I.             Foreword

As an internationally active company, Pröll GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Pröll") is aware of its corporate responsibility and not only impresses with customer-oriented solutions in the field of industrial screen and pad printing inks. We are also committed to environmental impact and ethical responsibility.
For better readability, this policy avoids the simultaneous use of male, female, and diverse (m/f/d) language forms. All terms apply equally to all genders.

II.           Requirements for supplier

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the supplier, as every employee must assume compliance responsibility. The supplier undertakes to take appropriate measures in the event of non-compliance with this Code of Conduct, which may be of an operational or legal nature.
Pröll also expects its suppliers to recognize the basic rights of their employees and to undertake to comply with them and to treat employees with dignity and respect, in accordance with the understanding of the international community. Suppliers shall comply with the following provisions in particular:

1.       Compliance with the law

The supplier undertakes to comply with all applicable legal provisions.

2.       Exclusion of forced labor and human trafficking

No forced labor or comparable work may be used. Slavery and human trafficking are strictly prohibited. The supplier is obliged to apply a zero-tolerance principle and to report violations immediately. All work must be voluntary, and it must be possible to terminate the work and the employment relationship at any time.

3.       Prohibition of child labor

Child labor is prohibited in all areas of the supply chain. The statutory minimum age must be considered when hiring employees.

4.       Fair pay and working hours

Regular working hours must be paid in accordance with the nationally applicable statutory minimum wage or minimum standards customary in the industry. Wage deductions as punitive measures are not permitted. Statutory working hours must also be observed.

5.       Export and import regulations

The supplier undertakes to comply with all applicable import and export control laws. Likewise, sanctions, embargoes and other laws, regulations, government orders and directives controlling the transfer or shipment of goods, technology and payments shall be complied with.

6.       Freedom of association

Employees have the right to form and join organizations of their choice and to engage in collective bargaining. Employee representatives must be protected from discrimination. It must be ensured that they can exercise their rights in a lawful and peaceful manner.

7.       Prohibition of discrimination

Discrimination against employees in any form is prohibited. This applies, for example, to discrimination based on gender, race, descent, skin color, disability, political conviction, religion, age, pregnancy or sexual orientation. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual employee must be respected.

8.       Health and safety in the workplace

The supplier is responsible for the health and safety of its employees. Risks must be contained and the best possible precautionary measures against accidents and occupational illnesses must be established. It must be ensured that all employees are instructed and trained in occupational safety.

III.         Ecological responsibility

In times of climate change and its challenges, it is important to Pröll to safeguard existing resources. Pröll expects its suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations for the protection of the environment.

1.       Consumption of resources, avoidance of environmental pollution and waste minimization

The supplier undertakes to optimize the consumption of natural resources, including energy and water. Effective measures will be taken to prevent water pollution and to reduce the generation of waste, wastewater and air emissions. Wastewater and waste are appropriately labeled and treated prior to discharge or disposal in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

2.       Hazardous substances and product safety

The supplier undertakes to label hazardous materials, chemicals and substances and to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, recycling, reuse and disposal. All applicable laws and regulations relating to hazardous materials, chemicals and substances shall be strictly complied with. Substance restrictions and product safety requirements established by applicable laws and regulations are mandatory. 

3.       Conflict minerals

The supplier undertakes to ensure that raw materials used in its products are not produced or mined illegally or outside state control, and that these raw materials do not directly or indirectly finance groups that violate human rights.

IV.        Ethical Business Conduct

Pröll expects all its suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding corruption, fraud and prohibited business practices.

1.       Fair competition

National and international laws and regulations on fair business, fair advertising and fair competition must be complied with. In addition, the applicable antitrust laws must be applied.

2.       Confidentiality and data protection

The supplier undertakes to observe and comply with the laws on data protection and information security as well as the official regulations when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and passing on personal information.

3.       Intellectual property

Intellectual property rights must be respected.

4.       Prohibition of corruption and bribery

The supplier is committed to a zero-tolerance policy regarding bribery and corruption. No benefits may be offered, granted or promised, either directly or indirectly, to influence official actions or to gain an unfair advantage. Furthermore, no gifts or benefits are to be accepted or offered that go beyond customary practice and are intended to obtain preferential treatment.

5.       Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest of any kind that could influence business relationships must be avoided.

6.       Anti-money laundering

The Supplier undertakes to maintain proper accounting records in compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering laws and regulations. Appropriate measures must be taken to avoid involvement in or concealment of income from unlawful or criminal activities.


V.          Implementation of the requirements

We expect our suppliers to identify risks within their supply chain and to take appropriate and suitable measures.
The supplier is also responsible for setting up an effective complaints management system at company level to which individuals or communities can report anonymously. These whistleblowers must not suffer any adverse action.

VI.        Acknowledgement and consent of the supplier

By accepting the order, the supplier declares its agreement with the Code of Conduct and undertakes to comply with all the requirements and principles listed. The supplier also undertakes to communicate the content of the Code to its employees, agents and subcontractors in a comprehensible manner and to take all necessary precautions to implement the requirements.

Pröll GmbH, Zentrale
+49 9141 906-0 info@proell.de
Printing Technique
+49 9141 906-674