Inchiostri per serigrafia & sistemi di stampa per carte di plastica Inchiostri per serigrafia indurenti con i raggi UV
NoriCure® CCI
UV Curing Screen Printing Ink for Lamination of ID and Credit Cards
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Area of Application and General Characteristics
NoriCure CCI is a new UV-curing and laminate able screen printing ink developed for the manufacturing of plastic cards. The ink is suitable for printing on PVC and PETG core films.
NoriCure CCI shows excellent laminating properties and good peel strength with PVC overlay films at temperatures greater than 140 °C (284 °F).
Various color shades, metallic and effect colors are available from stock.

Further information can be found in our technical data sheets in the Downloads section
ApplicazioneNoriCure® CCI
Downloads in generaleInchiostri per serigrafia & sistemi di stampa per carte di plastica
- Proell-Screen-Printing-Inks-for-laminated-Plastic-Cards-11-20242 MB
- Proell-NoriCure-NoriCard-Booklet-Screen-Inks-for-Plastic-Cards1 MB
- NoriCure CCI Flyer519 KB
- Flyer NoriCard LSI537 KB
- General Information on Screen Printing Inks - 09/201964 KB
- Form for Technical Inquiries688 KB
- Screen Printing Systems For Plastic Cards2 MB
- Technical Information NoriCure CCI - 09/201986 KB
Downloads in generale Inchiostri per serigrafia indurenti con i raggi UV